Dr. J. Romington MBBS D.D.V.L
Do you have delightful dialogue experience with God?
Child babbles could be a confusing mystery to many, but not to its parents, who will understand it. Likewise is the tongues and ecstasy in God. It is a mysterious babble to many, but the Lord delightfully understands it.
My beloved in Christ!
“The kingdom of God is not just in banquets; instead it is in the justice, peace and the perceived happiness of the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17)
What we eat and drink strengthens the physique, but the Holy Spirit’s experience in justice, peace and happiness strengthens the soul. The presence of God engulfs us when we are anointed in the Spirit, so would be the community of Christ.
In the past we would have been surmounted by several types of happiness. We could have been ecstatic or delighted by the thoughts of food, wine and opposite sex. During my student days in the college, my soul loved the happiness of chatting on worldly matters. However I realized this is no way near the divine happiness, when I perceived it.
If one would ask the “Born Again” community, then it would be quite obvious the soul’s happiness in the Holy Spirit could not be matched by any worldly pleasures. On anointment a child is born in our heart (soul). What if it stays as an infant as the years roll on? Would there be any pleasure if it is so? Should we not grow up in Spirit to cherish the happiness more? I have seen many people who cherish to remember and proclaim the day of their anointment. However it is quite sad to find there is not much transformation in their life and speech as there is no growth.
One of Holy Spirit’s gifts is tongues. One who speaks in tongues, though he speaks his secrets, no one could understand it other than God (1Corinth 14:2). Speaking in tongues is heavenly language. So it gives a lot pleasure without getting tired without any time constraint. The doors of heaven are opened and a relationship with that world is created. Hence one could hear the voice of the God.
As we pray in ecstasy, the Holy Spirit himself intercedes for us to the Father, who pours His strength in our weaknesses and sufferings, which are now replaced by peace and happiness (1 Corinth 14:14). We also read this in Romans 8:26, where we know that the Holy Spirit incessantly and painstakingly intercedes in our prayers to provide a word form to replace our weaknesses. One should not stop short at this level, but should also pray to attain the other gift, which is to reveal the meaning (1Corinth 14:13).
It is also true that speaking in tongues transforms our wicked worldly gibberish conversations, to constructive meaningful heavenly matters. We know from Acts 2 & 10 to find the apostles and many others in Christ speaking this heavenly language. In Mark 16: 17, Jesus says whoever keeps his faith in Him will speak in different languages. So if one would say to you there is no such gift, nor a possibility, please be aware this is a satanic trick, for you not to receive this gift.
Thiruvalluvar says “Nice though flute and veena, for who hasn’t heard the child’s babbles”. When we speak in heavenly tongues, the heart of our Lord is so delightful, that He allows the other gifts of the Holy Spirit to work efficiently in us. Prophesying is one such gift and several hundred years before, the prophet Isaiah acknowledges that the Lord speaks to the chosen in Heavenly languages (Isaiah 28: 11).
My dear readers, I pray you too get this divine gift, so you might have this happy dialogue with God. To share our secrets to God, to receive peace and grace form Him this is quite essential. He has these gifts to bestow on us and we should pray for it earnestly. As God provides these gifts, let us strive hard to sow and reap good deeds for a Meaningful Christian life in Him (Mathew 7:11).